Male Patients

Pelvic floor therapy can be a game-changer for male patients experiencing conditions like chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, post-prostatectomy incontinence, and other pelvic floor dysfunctions. By engaging in targeted exercises and receiving hands-on treatment under the guidance of specialized therapists, men can optimize their pelvic floor muscles, improving blood flow and nerve function in the pelvic region. This focused approach not only helps alleviate pain and discomfort but also aids in regaining control over urinary function and bowel movements, enhancing sexual function, and ultimately contributes to a marked improvement in overall quality of life. With a tailored physical therapy regimen, male patients are empowered to actively participate in their recovery, encountering both immediate relief and long-term wellness.

Common Conditions for Male Patients

  • Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is a condition characterized by chronic pain in the pelvic and/or perineum (the area between the genitals and the anus) that is not caused by an infection or other identifiable condition. The pain can be constant or intermittent, and it may be accompanied by other symptoms such as difficulty urinating, pain during ejaculation, and sexual dysfunction.

    The exact cause of CP/CPPS is unknown, but some common factors that may cause it include pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, nerve damage, inflammation, and psychological factors.

    Pelvic floor physical therapy is a common treatment method for Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. Pelvic floor physical therapy can help to relax the pelvic floor muscles and improve blood flow to the pelvis. It can also teach you how to manage pain and improve your quality of life.

  • Urinary frequency is the need to urinate more often than usual. Pelvic floor physical therapy can be a very effective treatment for urinary frequency in men caused by pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Our experienced pelvic floor physical therapists can teach you how to relax your pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow to the pelvis, and manage the symptoms of urinary frequency.

  • Urinary urgency/Urge incontinence is a condition in which a person has a sudden and strong urge to urinate that is difficult to control. Though there are many causes of urinary urgency and urge incontinence, the most common cause is overactive bladder.

    Overactive bladder is a condition in which the bladder muscle contracts too often or at the wrong time. This can cause a person to feel the need to urinate even when their bladder is not full.

    Pelvic floor physical therapy can be a very effective treatment for urge incontinence and urinary urgency in men caused by pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Our experienced pelvic floor physical therapists can teach you how to relax your pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow to the pelvis, and manage pain.

  • Testicular pain, or orchalgia, is pain that affects one or both testicles. It can be a dull, aching pain, or it can be sharp and sudden. Testicular pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including infection, trauma, testicular torsion, testicular cancer, or other medical conditions.

    Pelvic floor physical therapy can help with testicular pain caused by pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Our experienced pelvic floor physical therapists can teach you how to relax your pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow to the testicles, and manage pain.

  • Levator Ani Syndrome and Proctalgia Fugax are two closely related conditions that cause pain in the rectum and anus.

    Levator Ani Syndrome is thought to be caused by spasm of the Levator Ani muscle, which is a muscle that supports the floor of the pelvis.

    Proctalgia Fugax is thought to be caused by a combination of factors, including spasm of the Levator Ani muscle, irritation of the anal nerves, and inflammation of the rectum.

    Pelvic floor physical therapy can be a very effective treatment for Levator Ani Syndrome and Proctalgia Fugax. Our experienced pelvic floor physical therapists can teach you how to relax your pelvic floor muscles, improve blood flow to the rectum and anus, and manage pain.

Treatment of Male Patients at Nashville Pelvic Health

A welcoming space for your healing journey

From the moment you walk in the door, you will be greeted by our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We will take the time to answer your questions and make sure you feel comfortable and informed.

Each of our fully private treatment rooms is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology, so you can be confident that you are receiving the best possible care.

We are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality of care in a clean, comfortable, and welcoming environment. We want you to feel like you are part of our family, and we will do everything we can to make your visit as positive as possible.

Caring for the whole you, not just your symptoms

At Nashville Pelvic Health, we believe that the best way to achieve optimal health and well-being is to take a whole person approach. This means that we consider all aspects of your life, including your physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being, when developing a treatment plan.

We also believe in building strong relationships with our patients. That’s why you will always see the same therapist at every visit. We want to understand your unique needs and goals so that we can provide you with the best possible care. We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey to better health.

Ready to start your journey to better pelvic health?

At Nashville Pelvic Health, we believe that everyone deserves to live a life free from pelvic pain and dysfunction. Our experienced pelvic floor therapists are here to help you achieve your pelvic health goals.

If you are ready to start your journey to better pelvic health, schedule an evaluation today by contacting us.